Sunday 25 October 2009

Gothenburg City, Sweden

Two weeks ago the husband and I took a long weekend break to Gothenburg City. We found cheap tickets and decided Scandinavia would be worth a trip. This month has been a crazy busy month full of work, school, and social gatherings and this trip was a breath of fresh air. We played this trip very cheap, opting for free entertainment and fast food restaurants. We felt like we were back in the states, seeing McD's, Burger King, and 7/11 at every corner! Hubby was in heaven!

We stayed at a cozy hotel that had hot chocolate, coffee, juices, and tea on tap, as well as biscuits, breads, and rice cakes available 24/7. The winning point of the hotel was self serve waffle maker everyday after 5pm.- Hubby loves waffles, but he forgot to bring syrup... the Swedes don't drown theirs in sugar, and instead top with fruit jam's. We spent our time walking the streets, riding the trams, and relaxing in our hotel.
We also took a ferry to some of the islands. The islands are very small allowing no cars, and are made up of intricate paths leading to different cottage like homes. The inhabitants, leave wheel barrows around the dock, so once off the ferry they load their stuff in a wheel barrow and make the short trek to their home. They also cart fire wood and garbage back and forth as well. I decided if I lived their I would be a hermit painter, only leaving the island when I had to, and living the simple life, growing my own garden, reading, cooking and painting all day... A typical tree-lined street, such a vibrant green!
The city was the cleanest I've every seen in my life! Not one piece of trash in site! And the streets were all quite and friendly. All the cafes had outdoor seating with chairs covered in blankets for it's occupants enjoyment! So cute!

The town is also a college town, above a picture of one of the old university buildings, I love the ivy and it's fall colors against the red brick. Some home-baked sweets, looked SO good but so bad! All in all a wonderful much needed trip!

Monday 5 October 2009

Before & After's

These images make you take a second look at all your furniture! And the bookcase you saw at goodwill the other day! :) Just strip, paint, polish and add some new hardware and you've got your self some great unique pieces!

My parent's have this:

This is a simple Ikea bedside table that was customized...

Mom, here is some inspiration for your mirrored bar in the family room...

I have this exact Ikea set! Wow, the possibilities!