Wednesday 27 October 2010

A new start...

I'm back!  It's been awhile since I've been in my little blog space.  With my return comes a renewed energy, many life transitions, and hopefully a fun and interesting blog.  Since I've been gone...
  • I've finished school
  • Had a baby- Little boy, Andre who is 5 months now!
  • Moved back to the states
  • Travelled across the US
  • Become a desperate housewife
My goal for this blog is to broadcast my weekly homemade accomplishments, to both inspire you and keep myself accountable and productive...ya, an accountable-productive desperate housewife.  Who's hot, obviously. :)  Unfortunatley you won't see my picture, nor my husbands or son's on this site in an effort to remain inconspicuous. 
I've got much to share, starting with what I currently adore...

Finally a nautical shirt I REALLY love

I've been wanting these for over a year! Still waitin' for that sale...

This chair would look perfect in my "library" room, still looking on craigslist for a look-a-like, not holding my breath

For my son's nursery, so cute and a bit scary at the same time! Should I get the zebra?

This bracelet is adorable, I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive...impulse buy

The BEST lounge pants EVER! BUY them!

And that's all for now.

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