Friday 29 October 2010

Bittersweet Friday

I love Fridays, as I’ve previously written about here.  Yet today marks a bittersweet day.  I’ve given up my morning coffee.  I've always had a love, hate relationship with coffee.  I go through stages of having it every morning, or not at all.  I like coffee because it suppresses my appetite and it also helps keep me regulated...if ya know what I mean.  But, I also tend to add too much milk and sugar.  I've realized that although coffee isn't bad in itself, I abuse it by forgoing a healthy breakfast, and loading it with milk and sugar.  And the worst of it is that I am still nursing, and I know my son does not need the caffeine.  So this morning marks the first morning of my no-coffee-challenge.  I don't know how long this challenge will go on, but I've decided to replace my morning coffee with options like today; green tea with a little sugar (I'll be moving to stevia, after I get used to no coffee, slowly people) and an apple with almond butter.  I was very proud of myself all morning... but then around 10:30, I felt hungry.  I don't think I really was hungry, I think it's just my subconscious knowing that I can't have something, because I had the biggest urge for something I saw on a commercial.

So my husband loves Eggo's.  We keep a box at all times in our freezer.  I think they are gross and totally bad for you, so I never eat them.  Yet lately Eggo's have been all over the TV, and one commercial there's this little 10-13 year old boy who says, he eats his Eggo's with peanut butter and chocolate chips on top.  Now, after seeing this commercial, it's been on my mind.  I know we have Eggo's, chocolate chips and peanut butter.  So this morning as a no coffee reward, I went for it.  I toasted 1 Eggo, slathered it with peanut butter and added a handful of chocolate chips.  It was Divine.  But it was heavy and I nearly chocked swallowing it!  Or maybe that was because I was shoving it down my throat because I felt guilty eating it... who knows but it was gorgeous, so gorgeous I can't ever do that again.  :)
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go woman!! Let's see how long you missed it. I had an eggo with butter and syrup this am, (low fat, whole wheat) with a loaded half cup of coffee. You're missin out! I just looked at my two and Roman's eating a crayon, and Joaquin is trying to cut one up with a butter knife! Keep posting!
