Friday 29 October 2010

Bittersweet Friday

I love Fridays, as I’ve previously written about here.  Yet today marks a bittersweet day.  I’ve given up my morning coffee.  I've always had a love, hate relationship with coffee.  I go through stages of having it every morning, or not at all.  I like coffee because it suppresses my appetite and it also helps keep me regulated...if ya know what I mean.  But, I also tend to add too much milk and sugar.  I've realized that although coffee isn't bad in itself, I abuse it by forgoing a healthy breakfast, and loading it with milk and sugar.  And the worst of it is that I am still nursing, and I know my son does not need the caffeine.  So this morning marks the first morning of my no-coffee-challenge.  I don't know how long this challenge will go on, but I've decided to replace my morning coffee with options like today; green tea with a little sugar (I'll be moving to stevia, after I get used to no coffee, slowly people) and an apple with almond butter.  I was very proud of myself all morning... but then around 10:30, I felt hungry.  I don't think I really was hungry, I think it's just my subconscious knowing that I can't have something, because I had the biggest urge for something I saw on a commercial.

So my husband loves Eggo's.  We keep a box at all times in our freezer.  I think they are gross and totally bad for you, so I never eat them.  Yet lately Eggo's have been all over the TV, and one commercial there's this little 10-13 year old boy who says, he eats his Eggo's with peanut butter and chocolate chips on top.  Now, after seeing this commercial, it's been on my mind.  I know we have Eggo's, chocolate chips and peanut butter.  So this morning as a no coffee reward, I went for it.  I toasted 1 Eggo, slathered it with peanut butter and added a handful of chocolate chips.  It was Divine.  But it was heavy and I nearly chocked swallowing it!  Or maybe that was because I was shoving it down my throat because I felt guilty eating it... who knows but it was gorgeous, so gorgeous I can't ever do that again.  :)
Have a great weekend!

Thursday 28 October 2010

Budget Finds...

Since when did Target get so many great designers and become so glam! While living in Europe, Target was probably the store I missed the most.  Needless to say my trip there yesterday left me shocked at how many great things they had, and I now have a wish list that is far too big for my budget.  Here are a couple of things that if I don’t buy, you should!
For a nursery:

These are fitted sheet options... Which one should I get?

I thought this night light was so cute, they had a better Whale version at the store
For the home:

                       Love the mirrors, still a bit pricey, but gorge!
For you:
This is really cute, too small on model
There were some other sweaters, and dresses that were adorable, couldn't find them online though...
This is adorable and would look great on our bed, the back is yellow velvet!
I want two of these for the foot of my bed, I would paint them and reupholster the top in something like this:

Alright, I've spent enough time on Target's website. If you go, take a look at there stationary, thank you cards, and home decor. I also saw a little glass piggy bank that would look adorable in a kids room.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

A new start...

I'm back!  It's been awhile since I've been in my little blog space.  With my return comes a renewed energy, many life transitions, and hopefully a fun and interesting blog.  Since I've been gone...
  • I've finished school
  • Had a baby- Little boy, Andre who is 5 months now!
  • Moved back to the states
  • Travelled across the US
  • Become a desperate housewife
My goal for this blog is to broadcast my weekly homemade accomplishments, to both inspire you and keep myself accountable and productive...ya, an accountable-productive desperate housewife.  Who's hot, obviously. :)  Unfortunatley you won't see my picture, nor my husbands or son's on this site in an effort to remain inconspicuous. 
I've got much to share, starting with what I currently adore...

Finally a nautical shirt I REALLY love

I've been wanting these for over a year! Still waitin' for that sale...

This chair would look perfect in my "library" room, still looking on craigslist for a look-a-like, not holding my breath

For my son's nursery, so cute and a bit scary at the same time! Should I get the zebra?

This bracelet is adorable, I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive...impulse buy

The BEST lounge pants EVER! BUY them!

And that's all for now.