Thursday 27 August 2009

A Great Assembly

Tuesday night was a busy night. I was preparing my home for my husbands return amongst many other to-do items. Folding clothes, cleaning rooms, washing dishes, etc. Its not that I live in a mess when he is gone, but for the pure enjoyment of seeing his content face when he walks through the door and is welcomed with all of his senses to our little happy home with nothing amiss. I want him to always be glad to come home, eat my home cooked meals, and rest all the worry of the world away. This is something that I learned form my mother. She would always have my sisters and I greet my father after work, with dinner ready. We would wait for him by the window and when his car pulled up we’d run out and hug and kiss him, happily knowing that our home was now complete.

For his return, I made his favourite meal, Chicken Enchiladas. I started them at 10 pm and finished about midnight. All the while knowing, that I would rest easy with him the following night.

Here are some pictures of my chicken enchilada assembly line:

Umm so good! After he took the first bite his reaction made all my hard work worth it! We relaxed, talked, ate, and watched a movie in each other's arms! In the end the month away only made us closer. :)

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