Friday 21 August 2009

In the Beginning

Hello, welcome to Calaimee Lifestyle!

I've decided to embark blogging after months of scouting other blogs, and continually feeling quilty for not staying in contact with our many friends and family. My husband and I have been living in England for the last two years, and although we love it, we miss our family.
With this blog I hope to share our thoughts, prayers and daily living. Great fun! I know you cannot wait to read! We have done a lot of traveling over the last two years, I hope to post old travels mixed with new events.
I have three fashionable sisters, who I hope will guest blog, each sharing their different life experiences.
BTW, I also love fashion, food, and art so it should be a busy blog.

These early posts may be a bit messy, but I promise to learn quickly and try and spell correctly! :)
As an ode to England, here is a bit of beautifully designed war propaganda that I have been eyeing and will get framed and matted before leaving this country.

Maybe I'll display it like this:

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. This will be fun Amy, good for you, being the first in the family to go out like this! We are learning from you.
    We love you, I will put a picture on my profile tomorrow.
    I hope you call, I will be home,
    love, your mom!

  2. Hi Amy,
    I am waiting for your call. I am canning peaches today. They are so good, our neighbor picked them from his orchard and gave us 4 boxes.
    They are beautiful and it's fun! I just wish I had the little hands I used to have 20 years ago to "help" me.
    I love you,

  3. Hi daughter,
    you should write a book. I love reading your thoughts and descriptions.
    I wish I could see more pictures of you on your blog though. You are prettier than the models you showed!
    I love your enchilada assembly line and you could have served your husband every one of those enchiladas, they were so perfect!! Ha, remember? Sorry we took the wrong ones last time!
    Well, time for us to go to sleep.
    I love you, mom
